Friday, 30 March 2012

Next Shot Week 6 - Technique: Leading Lines - Theme: Landscape

Wedge shaped Lines

This I chose for this weeks technique because the cloud and its reflection make wedged lines, creating a frame, which highlights the view up toward the rivers mouth. I have also created an album of other shots on leading lines which you can view as a slideshow or if you prefer the album itself.


This post is for the new photography group 'Next Shot' created by Baz ( oceankinguk2003). This is the sixth technique theme, created by Joanne. Other members posts can be found below in the comments from other participants! If you would like to join the Members only group just let me know and I will send an invitation.



  1. Lovin' this, Keith - the lines draw me both vertically and horizontally. Excellent example :-)

  2. my favorite part of this is everything! especially the angle of the clouds and the reflection...but the tree on the left really adds intrest
    what kind of tree is it (evergreen of some sort?)

  3. A very clever shot, Keith. Love how you got the bird in the right lower section...

  4. yes I like it too - it is a pelican! Always nice to have something like this in a photo that youdiscover after a while!

  5. It is called a casuarina - an evergreen native that grows quite prolificly in this area. The Black cockatoos and Galahs feed on the pinecone looking fruit which is nice. As always there is something on wikipedia on the tree -

  6. This is beautiful, Keith................ I like sneaking in, peeping in on these techniques, just simply do not have the time to take part *sigh*

  7. beautiful! I like the way the reflection of the clouds on the water make your eyes sweep to the right side of the picture.

    Next shot Week # 6 ~ Technique: Leading Lines~ Landscapes
