Sunday, 1 April 2012

Images And Words Week 152 - Sea,Land,Clouds,Fog,Sky,Light,Stars,Heavens and Laughter.

"....its particular light on woods, on rivers, on the sea - became my beginning in the coloured world in which I had not yet had my beginning."

This week I thought to post in the Images and Words group for a change. Not having a lot of time for Multiply I find I have to limit my time focused here so will for a while anyway post only in a couple of the groups I belong to unless I find I have the time or inspiration to do so. This is a weekly theme group run by Milli and should you feel inspired to join in go to this link and join in the fun. For rules and such, visit the group home page.


When your face
appeared over my crumpled life
at first I understood
only the poverty of what I have.
Then its particular light
on woods, on rivers, on the sea,
became my beginning in the coloured world
in which I had not yet had my beginning.
I am so frightened, I am so frightened,
of the unexpected sunrise finishing,
of revelations
and tears and the excitement finishing.
I don't fight it, my love is this fear,
I nourish it who can nourish nothing,
love's slipshod watchman.
Fear hems me in.
I am conscious that these minutes are short
and that the colours in my eyes will vanish
when your face sets.
Translation from Russian © Robin Milner-Gulland and Peter Levi



  1. Brilliant Keith. I love it.

    Yes, I am here for a minute or two. lol

  2. What a brilliant photo Keith.
    The quote taken from the poignantly written and deep translation, fits the photo perfectly. I love it all.
    So glad that you have chosen to post with us here in I&W.

  3. Stupendous ocean shot! I don't see too many people quoting Yevtushenko. I'm a fan of his. Great poem here, too.

  4. Wonderful seascape and quote. I too think that sea, sky and land is terrific motifs. Thanks for your comment, Keith.

  5. Awesome photo and the words just top it off wonderfully. Thanks for the comments on my shot for this group.

  6. How beautiful your entry is! Seascapes are always fascinating to me.
    Thanks for the visit. I took that photo not far from Lisbon, where I live.

  7. The time you spent surely shows with this entry Keith, it's beautifully done. The vision will go with me today....thankyou.

  8. These verses goes so well with your photo.
    Very nice! Keith

  9. Good eveningggg , awesome shot .
    Thanks for your visit , here is the link for you about the area . It is worth visiting , especially in the night when the moon is full . ıf you will ever think of coming let me know and be your guide ( being a retired tour guide ) .

  10. This is a profound and beautiful post, my friend.

  11. dear keith. this is an amazing unexpected blog. i'm almost touched to tears here. does it have to do with anything you and i have talked about? that colours disapperared from me..or is this blog about your own experiences?

    I know now, that the colours will not vanish, even if your face sets..simply because I have made the colours to my own. for ever.
