Friday, 9 March 2012

Next Shot Week 3 - Technique: Black and White - Theme: Water

Pacific Ocean Water

Living next to the ocean one would think I would have ample shots to take. I spent three days trying to find something interesting and different - something with a wow factor but alas not. Not sure if it was the very dull light and dirty sea from all the storms of late or a lack of inspiration but this is the best I could come up with. I have included an album of all my rejects. I looked at them all but found there was nothing I could do with them but I have included them here for you anyway!! I added a couple in colour as I like the colours in them. My archives are full of shots I would love to have converted to monochrome but thats not the point of this group! Anyway here it is my choice!!!

To View My album please click here
make sure you use the Slideshow


This post is for the new photography group 'Next Shot' created by Baz ( oceankinguk2003). This is the Third theme created by Joanne. Other members posts can be found below in the comments from other participants! If you would like to join the Members only group just let me know and I will send an invitation.



  1. You still got a really fantastic photo in B&W Keith. Off to see your album now.

  2. Fantastic work Keith this was my favourite in your gallery mate;)

  3. Your image would be perfect to an old story about an sailboat struggling in strong winds..It looks like a drama, if you ask me.
    As for shooting our best images, they are not often planned, Keith. Such images just come to us and we just lucky who are there with a camera.

  4. If I had had the time, I would have headed over to the ocean myself to try for some new B&W's, but I'll just immerse myself in yours! Love this shot, and love all the others in your album!

  5. Waves crashing against rocks always fascinate me... your B&W shot enhances the beauty of their action...

  6. I understand the frustrations of not using your archives! but it's the challenge, lol..... I love the ocean that surrounds you and how you bring it to life in your photos, they always have a wow factor for me! this one does not disappoint....

  7. I know what you mean. Some times it is hard to find that one with the WOW! But it is always fun hunting and shooting one down

  8. I had the same loads of great B&W water shots in my archive. Decided to stick with NS premise of new shots. Got mine on a rather dull damp day too. You still got a really nice shot though, Keith!!

  9. wow the reply is working again!! fantastic - was a real pain without it. It is nice living next to the ocean - it stretches all the way over to the shores of the USA too!

  10. I spent two years near the ocean in Key West, FL, when my dad was in the Navy, about 1971-72. Living in the midwest doesn't give us anything for oceans! We have traveled some for some 4H youth competitions, and work, so I've been to the Pacific, Atlantic, and the Gulf of Mexico. Can't get enough!

  11. ahh cool - my dad was navy too!! What youth competitions??
