Thursday, 5 January 2012

The Galah

It is best to view this album in the slideshow mode to get its full effect!

Galahs are a pink and grey coloured cockatoo found in most areas of Australia. Galahs have the reputation of being somewhat of a pest or nuisance. But Galahs are actually a highly intelligent, social and highly adaptable animal. Galahs are one of the few animals that have benefited from the arrival of European settlers to Australia. The clearing of land and planting of cereal crops have really suited galahs. This led to the increase in galah populations, and the galahs expansion into every corner of Australia (helped also by the escape of pet galahs, especially in Tasmania).

Galahs were originally found to live only in the semi-arid areas of Australia. Originally galahs were recorded to live on the East Coast or Tasmania.


  1. They are very pretty. Do they make a lot of noise?

  2. At the end of the day when they get together to roost they make a huge racket. Their cousins the white Cockatoo make noises all day long - you have probably seen them in pet shops of peoples homes as pets

  3. Now the feathers seem to have changed of colour or is it another bird of the same species?

  4. Nice one... what a beautiful colour combination!

  5. Wondering what he is spying.... perhaps you!!!

  6. Fantastic shot!
    Thanks so very much for sharing this series of photos... hadnever heard before about such a bird...

  7. oh look at this! just love it...a stunning bird, the Galah

  8. These are all really cool! Its weird, looking at an animal in the "wild" (so to speak) when in America, they keep birds like this as pets in a cage! I suppose it would be similar to going to Australia and seeing people keep robins or seagulls in a cage.

  9. What a beautiful bird, especially with his feathers extended (Gallah 2). It is good to know that at least one species of animal has benefitted by the human intrusion.

  10. Cannot really say any one is a favourite above another but I like this shot. The 'ruffle' is because he just got chased away by another galah from the food source so has kind of annoyed him!!

  11. Thanks Mo!! Nice you came by and thanks for all the comments!!

  12. I photoshopped this one - sort of fits well I think - the lone look with the moon!!

  13. They are very common - come to the garden about 4pm every day!! I can tell the time by what birds are in the garden or by what they are doing.

  14. Yes there is something soft about the colours - Nature is always the best with the paint palet!

  15. Just a bit deeper in colour under the wing!!

  16. Thanks Danni - they are arn't they.They tend to do crazy things so we have a expression for people who do funny things - we call them galahs!

  17. Yes I know what you mean. over time I will do more blogs of different birds in the backyard and many you see in cages in other countries and so expensive. I once took a photo of a tree full of white cockatoos and the worth would be about $100,000 in the states!

  18. yeah true - but their abundance I am sure affects another part of the ecology. Thanks Virginia for dropping by!!

  19. Thanks Belita - real nice you came by!!

  20. geeeeeeeeeeez!!!

    Have you always lived in Australia?

  21. I am a kiwi - born in New Zealand. I spent about 6 years in Europe but lived most of my life here in Oz.

  22. sounds like our Common Grey Lourie " go away bird" they have that same habit, they look similar too, except for the colours, might be the same family?
    They are also very funny curious birds and can become quite time , similar to the Cockatiels we buy here, which is mostly white in colour. Your Galah is absolutely beautiful, I have seen you do some pics of it before. ps if I lived in Oz, they might call me a Galah too *grins*

  23. Russell says it is a Parrot type??????????

  24. Looooooooooove this one, the bare branches the empty sky and the Gallah looks a bit asleep??

  25. it is soooooo Cuuuuuuute.............................. want one !!

  26. This should be printed on canvas and hung somewhere prominent !! Love it.

  27. Yes they are of the Parrot family. of the cockatoos there are 21 different types.- crazy things they all are too

  28. Tell you what, will be generous, as I really really would like one

    how you gonna sent it to me?????????

  29. Pidgeon Post would be best I think but Michelle said she would dob me in to the customs if I send it :(
    I will send the money back by pidgeon too but it might only be worth 7 trillion by the time it gets there - depending on headwinds!!

  30. hehe, funny man. Give Michelle my love. ................................Hugs.

  31. Lovely shot, love those colours.

  32. Ahh, I guess this is the original you used for that great composite shot.

  33. I like how the little bit of sunlight is striking his head.

  34. You can't beat mother nature for the beauty she brings.

  35. I really really like this one.

  36. I think he is swearing. lol Fantastic shot.

  37. This one is really watching you Keith and wants to know what you think you are doing. Love it.

  38. I'm still spitting tacks at that bully.

  39. Yes, THIS is my favorite one. Love what you have done here Keith, saw it yesterday.

  40. this is the neighbours feeding tray that attracts all the visitors.

  41. Me too!! now that you mention it!!! :)

  42. He sure does - has his beadie eye on me!

  43. Thanks shayna - me too. Catch up with you soon

  44. They were over here at box hill yesterday, feeding on freshly mown lawn at the football ground.
    theyre pretty, but pht noisy...

  45. Very creative ... I like how you did this.

  46. I couldn't help but look at them again Keith as you do beautiful work.

  47. Even though they are pretty birds, and can be taught to speak well, they are damn noisy and nuisances around here, where the wheat is stored. Great shots though.
