Thursday, 26 January 2012

Backyard Photograhy - Something a little different

The Orb Spider

'God comes to us disguised as our life'


Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.



  1. Wow, Keith, he is beautiful. You captured him so very well. ...................some very true words there. Thank you.

  2. yep that's different mate awesome macro work;)

  3. What beautiful photographs! You truly are an artist.

  4. integrity comes to mind when reading the words, that and a few other things

    the photos are amazing macro shots...a little creepy too LOL

  5. Love the pictures and the post! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thank you Marianne - is such a beauty for sure!! Nice to share with you!

  7. Thanks Baz - I do not often dabble in Macro but such a beautiful subject helps eh!!

  8. Thanks Virginia - one thing I have noticed is whan photographing artwork such as statues - even paintings or graffitti, that the photos always come out really good. To me God, or if you like, Nature is the true artist here and my camera just captured the form and beauty of that creation. But for my part, I did see the beauty, captured it thencropped and framed the photo to produce the photos you see - the presentation.

  9. Yes they are creepy but the amazing colours sort of negate a lot of the creepiness. I am happy you like the words too - they are anonymous but found in a reflective article I was reading - just thought to post em here.

  10. Thanks Sally - so nice to see you. Hope all is good with you and your family!!

  11. Gidday Howard. Thanks mate!! Nice to see you.

  12. Great shot's Keith,
    Yes each of us I think are responsible for the web we form in our own life

  13. thanks trammie! Yes we are responsible - totally! It is about the choice we make on every single point in life where we have to make one - which I think occurs, perhaps, every few seconds or so.

  14. Did you know that when you see a spider it represents a message from heaven?

    Fantastic photos Keith.

  15. The message is there under the photos :)))) Thanks Shayna!!
