Tuesday, 30 August 2011

An album for Mitchy LR

Growing Wild

"What we have to be is what we are."

Attached is a small album of photos inspired by our, and my, Multiply friend Mitch. He is, to me,  'The KING' of macro photography - in particular flowers and insects. These are all flowers found growing wild in my neighbourhood. Thanks a million Mitch for the inspiration and motivation to enter the world of Macro. I never photograph something in macro without you coming to mind!!

CLICK HERE for the link to the Photo Album


  1. Many thanks Keith. I wouldn't say 'master' but it's an honour to think my photos have inspired you or others to try macro photography. Beautiful shot at the top of the page. Off to work now, will look at the album this evening.

  2. No worries and thank you too! You for sure started me thinking of the world of the Macro and inspired me to explore with my camera. I also changed the words, 'a master', to 'The King', instead - sounds better and you are! !!

  3. Cool set Keith and I would agree with your view of Mitches Photography;)

  4. Thanks Baz nice too you validate my opinion on Mitch's photography!

  5. Ok, fair enough...who am I to argue?? LOL.
