Tuesday, 30 August 2011

An album for Mitchy LR

Growing Wild

"What we have to be is what we are."

Attached is a small album of photos inspired by our, and my, Multiply friend Mitch. He is, to me,  'The KING' of macro photography - in particular flowers and insects. These are all flowers found growing wild in my neighbourhood. Thanks a million Mitch for the inspiration and motivation to enter the world of Macro. I never photograph something in macro without you coming to mind!!

CLICK HERE for the link to the Photo Album

Flowers Growing Wild

These were all found growing wild around my hometown Bonny Hills

this week end of august

Monday, 29 August 2011

Photo and reflection August 29th 2011

Compassionate Action

Myal River -Tea Gardens

It seems to me that it is a minority that gets the true and full gospel. We just keep worshiping Jesus and arguing over the right way to do it. The amazing thing is that Jesus never once says “worship me!” He says, “follow me” (e.g., Matthew 4:19).

Christianity is a lifestyle—a way of being in the world that is simple, non-violent, shared, and loving. However, we made it into a clever “religion,” in order to avoid the lifestyle itself. One could be warlike, greedy, racist, selfish, and vain, and still believe that Jesus is their “personal Lord and Savior.” The world has no time for such silliness anymore. The suffering on Earth is too great.

Fr Richard Ruhr

Friday, 26 August 2011

Picture Perfect - Celebration


Well when you run accommodation for young backpackers and students then celebration is something that seems to happening - for any reason. I could post hundreds from over the years. In this case it was John from Ireland Celebrating achieving his permanent Visa for Australia - of course in the usual Irish Tradition - with a few glasses of Guiness and friends.

Monday, 22 August 2011

Photo for today August 25th with reflection

The Sea Today

"Love one another, but make not the bond of Love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls"
Kahlil Gibran

Click here for more photos from todays walk.
For best result - please use the slideshow

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Photo from today and Reflection

Out My Back Door

Wetlands behind the mangroves

Mangroves and Beach

"If the inner journey does not match and mirror the outer journey, we have no true liberation at all. "

Fr Richard Ruhr    Full Quote         

Thursday, 18 August 2011

The Nature of the Walk

A winters day in Oz


Today I set out into a clouded, blustery winters day with the thought of capturing the feel of the day and, hopefully, expressing it in an image - the above is the photo I chose. It proved difficult mainly because the weather brightened up before I got to the ocean and just finding a subject was not so easy. Anyway I have attached an album of other photos I took from the walk some of which were shots I took to express the feel of the day and some others I liked!!

Click here to see the rest of the photos from today!

Best to use the Sldeshow

photos from today August 18th

Monday, 15 August 2011

Photo of the day August 16 2011


I was thinking today while out for a walk up home about how it does not mattter how every day we take my camera on the same walking route yet we still manage to find something new or different to photograph. Today, for me, it was a small group of Artists down on Spoonies Bay. The clouds were just magnificent  and made a perfect backdrop for the group and their easels. I did think of asking to take a whole lot of photos but felt a bit shy so only managed a few hurried shots as I passed them by.

If you would like to see more of the photos of the painters click here.


Thursday, 11 August 2011

King of the Bush


A Kookaburra Hunting

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree,
Merry merry king of the bush is he.

Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra,

Gay your life must be!

There is something about Kookaburras the way they sit on branches waiting patiently for some tasty morsal to present itself. Kookaburras are a Terrestrial Kingfisher, native to Australia with a diet of  lizards, snakes, insects, mice, other small birds, and raw meat. The most social birds will accept handouts from humans and will take raw or cooked meat from on or near open-air barbecues left unattended. The kookaburra was even one of the thee mascots for the Sydney Summer Olympics back in 2000

Click here to Find some other birds I have come across recently

Photo and reflection

The beauty of nature

This photo reminded me of these words of Jesus

“So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither
toil nor spin;  and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these".
                                                                                                       Matthew 26;28-29

Click here if you wish to read the full scripture.
Matthew 6 : 25-34

First Glimpse

Tea Gardens.

This is where I will be spending the next 6 - 8 weeks. This is the first of what will become many blogs on the Tea Gardens and it's surrounds, I am sure. This set of photos and accompanying album are taken in the immediate area of where I am living - a small coastal town called Tea Gardens. I have not ventured far as yet as I have been busy with settling into the town and re-organising all my affairs. I am here for just 6 - 8 weeks but perfect time to relax and start something new and plenty of new territory to go on Hunts for whatever my eye and lens capture. A feast, me thinks!!!!!!

These Images have all been taken within the horizons you see in each photo and believe me you will be amazed at what is beyond them. For now enjoy. The first Three are views from the house or directly across from the house on the riverbank. The one above is glimpse I get from my front window but this shot I took from the riverside opposite

I took this from the verandah looking down the river toward the Singing Bidge. So called from the sounds it generates in the wind. The Verandah looks north toward the morning sun in the warmth of its rays as I slowly wake up. Dolphins pass here from time to time during the day fishing or just cruising. Again photos of Dolphins to follow


This is the same ferry you see tied up at the Jetty in the previous Photo. This ferry goes a few times daily to a town called Nelson Bay on the other side of Port Stephens. It is modern compared to here and very much more developed. The ferry trip includes a dolphin watch as as it plows across Port Stephens which boasts the largest population of Dolhins in Austrlia.

Finally - this photo is taken from the Bridge you see in the photo of the ferry. It looks further down river across to the twin town called Hakes nest on the other side. Beyond that is the ocean which for sure you are gonna see soon in up-coming blogs on my stay here.

Thanks for looking at this blog and if you would like to view more photos click here

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Picture Perfect Friday - Nine!!!

Nine Surfers Surfing

Today I was home in Bonny Hills. Went, camera at ready, looking for a nine - thats all I knew, I had to find a nine - somewhere!!. Sure enough out on the waves were a bunch local surfers - from that distance and my eyesight they were only brurred dots but I thought I counted nine but no real idea how many. When I got home, on Windows photo Viewer, the photo blown up, I counted again - nine!!

To enter Picture Perfect Friday, or look at all the nines, go here..

All are welcome to enter a photo on todays theme.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Picture Perfect - Three

The three Egos

This photo reminds me of ego - whichever gull can make the most threatening noise and prove to have the most powerful will to win gets the prize - and life goes on!!

Picture Perfect - Three
To join in the fun go here