Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Next Shot Week 11 - Technique - Differential focus with a motion blur

Again from Archives

No time to experiment!

This first is one of the two women in my life, Michelle and our daughter Tess, who decided to liven
things up a bit by having a dance and a little party together at home one quiet evening.
Here we
have a differential focus of a blurred subject with a background in focus

This one is I tried to capture in a pan as oscar skirted across our lounge room floor. It did not
quite work but his face almost kept in focus and motionless enough I think to fit in with this
theme!! It seems to be a combination of both No 1. - a blurred subject and No 2. - a blurred
background. Making for the happy and cheeky looking little dog that he is!!


This last is of one of the students returning to the Hostel and curious as to whats happening
with his friends - an example of 1. the subject blurred.


This post is for the new photography group 'Next Shot' created by Baz ( oceankinguk2003). This is the eleventh technique theme, created by Sonny. Other members posts can be found below in the comments from other participants! If you would like to join the Members only group just let me know and I will send an invitation.



  1. Good set of photos keith, love the doggy one

  2. I love them... we're often disappointed when we discover they are blurred but we shouldn't... it's a unique way to convey a certain atmosphere...

  3. you look at pics like that and 9 times out of 10 it would have been something you would have chucked away...................in this event, it proved just right. All 3 of them. I love Michelle and Tess dancing, such a mother, daughter silly thing to do, just for the hell of it. Adorable. Little Oscar is so cute, I love that little doggie face, just wanna kiss him and hug him and the student is caught just like that "hey wasssup, what u guys doing?" Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice !!

  4. The one of Tess and Michelle is my favourite from the shots I took that night - to me it says what the whole night for them was about!! As you put it a silly mother daughter moment as only gthey have! Yeah and I dig that little face of Oscar too - not sure if I had posted that photo before but one of my favourites. I have an album of blurred shots - I like em!

  5. I am hardly ever dissapointed - some of them can be so funny or add something to thre photo!

  6. Thanks Lyn - Love what you are doing with your camera!!

  7. Terrific examples Keith.
    I really like the girls in the dancing motion blur.
    Your little dog always steals my heart in motion or not.
    The curious one in blur is also a great example for this theme.
    Thanks for your lovely comments.

  8. all three excellent examples of this technique!
    you have an oscar, keith? he looks very much like a bichon frise.

  9. Oscar we adopted for a few days while we found a new owner for him - Poodle!

  10. i just love the last one the most.,...the picture would not have felt complete...or conveyed the scene so aptly if it was not for the boy in motion....

  11. Sorry that I haven't been posting. Things are crazy around here with me trying to get so much done.before surgery I like this theme I hope to get a pic posted today
