Saturday, 28 April 2012

Picture Perfect - "Reflecting"


The week I chose to return and participate with Picture Perfect, coincides with one of my favourite styles of photography with which I love to get creative. Not so much reflections of mountains on lakes etc but I love to find in photographs reflections that I can either create some artistic photos or a photo that could pass for a piece of artwork - like the one I chose above. I have many many reflection pieces I have played with in my archives but I decided to challenge myself and limit myself to finding  something I could use as a post from the photos I have in my camera at the moment - above is what I came up with. It is to me a type of reflection that can be framed and hung on a wall to co-ordinate with a colour scheme in a room or as abackground for some photoshop creation or a web page background or if not to your taste chuck it in the bin!! This is from a photo of a sunrise on a local river. It was cropped, inverted, framed, a signature applied and voila!!!

If interested I made a blog, a year or so back, on how I create, what I call artwork, from reflections from photos - could be worth a look.


  1. Beautiful a very cool take on the theme Keith;)

  2. this is food for our imagination. for example, it makes me wonder how the sun looks like, and the sky and how the surroundings are. I imagine peace and beauty.

  3. I love the the cropped too but the original moves me

  4. very creative . I am glad you posted the original so we could see what you did .

  5. ah, thank you! and that was a beautiful view!

  6. I love the original it is so pretty.
    Awesome Keith.

  7. Very clever! Very neat effect that way. Reminds me when I was a kid and used to walk around the house holding a mirror, imagining I was walking on the ceiling!!!

    Picture Perfect - Reflecting

  8. Both are beautiful! Lovely work & could be changed to almost any color.

    Empress S's ~Reflecting Earth~"

  9. Keith thats what creating art is all about...seeing beyond what most others see...i likey

  10. Very cool Keith, I like both versions a lot!

  11. Fantastic!!! Impressionism captured through your mind and your camera lens!
    Thanks for visiting mine.

  12. very nice! It would be dynamic as a backdrop for sure! Thanks for coming round my way!
