Thursday 9 August 2012



The following is anadaptation from one of my most listened to teachings from Richard
Rohr.  If you are interested I have a copy of the teaching in my music section which I
  back at the end of 2008

Jesus, and any great spiritual teacher, is somehow talking about the transformation of persons from their false self into their true self—and then the discovery that the true self is who you already were all along, but you didn’t know it. You didn’t know how to live consciously out of that deep place of union. Infants still know it, symbolized by Adam and Eve in the garden, but they soon leave the garden.
It seems to me that a secular world is almost condemned to being violent, as is a falsely religious world. Both of them have too much ego to protect, because they do not know their true self in God. Most wars have had some form of religious motivation because the ego always believes it speaks for God and threatening others can be eliminated as evil. Religious egos are quite dangerous.

                                                               Prayer : We are Love,and we are made for Love, and our natural abiding place is Love.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Goodness is its own reward

Liberation for us is right now

Stormy seas of winter - Bonny Hills

The Christian tradition became so concerned with making Jesus into its God and making sure everybody believed that Jesus was God that it often ignored his very practical and clear teachings. (How many of us love our enemies?) Instead, we made the questions theological and metaphysical ones about the nature of God (which asked almost nothing of us!). Most of our church fights have been on that level, and no one ever really "wins,” so it goes on for centuries.

We created huge theories about how the world was saved by Jesus. I think what Jesus was primarily talking about was the human situation and describing liberation for us right now. Clearly the Kingdom of God is here and now, as Jesus said. However, we turned Jesus' message into a reward or punishment contest that would come later, instead of a transformational experience that was verifiable here and now by the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). For Jesus, rewards and punishments are first of all inherent to the action and in this world. Goodness is its own reward and evil is its own punishment, and then we must leave the future to the mercy and love of God, instead of thinking we are the umpires and judges of who goes where, when, and how.

Fr Richard Rohr


Friday 13 July 2012

How to catch a kangaroo

I thought this might appeal to all of you living in parts where Kangaroos are consdered cute and uniquely unusual. This simple little video I hope will amuse you.


Thursday 12 July 2012


Just saying gidday!

Two mates fishing from one of my favourite fishing spots

I like the wave in the background in this shot


I thought to post a couple of photos I have taken in the last week or so as my way of saying a quick 'gidday'. I am still busy and not much time for photos and multiply but using what time I have for relaxing, sleep and most important time with and for Michelle and Tess. I still get out for walks of an evening so snap the odd photo - Light willing, just like these ones of locals sharing some time together on a sunday afternoon an wetting their lines. Anyway hi to all of you - miss you all but do keep up a bit with your posts even if I am not commenting much. For now God bless and will be back soon!!



Tuesday 19 June 2012

Will not be around much for a litte while

A little play with water and photoshop.

Sunset on the water.

This post is just to let you know that I will not be around so much on multiply except for odd blogs I might post, looking in on posts and group posts from time to time. I have not realy had the time the last few weeks and I can see this is going to continue for a little while yet! So if you are not seeing me then you know why!! It will however not be forever!!

I am developing an income through a contract cleaning business I am building at the moment. It has come to a critical stage where I have to devote more time and energy to this rather than my hobbies. It is not that I am overworked so much - in fact I am working less than an eight hour day. It is more that the work is a bit all over the place so some days are spent working long hours and others sleeping or doing other small cash jobs, gadening or painting or lawn mowing. It is like a small hurdle to get over before I can smooth it all out so I can enjoy sometime for me too. The work is spread across seven days as well so any spare time I have I have little or no motivation for my multiply groups and friends etc etc. But it will pass - just as I have said it is a critical time in the development.  I am really happy it is all going so well and am more than happy that I am able to maintain a good income so I can live here rather than have to return to the City for work. It is very different to do contract cleaning but man it is pretty lucritive and I can forsee having soon to employ people to do part of my contracts so I can have some free time - hopefully soon - but when I know things have settled.



Monday 4 June 2012

Next Shot Week 14 - Technique Candid Photography, Theme Street Life


I chose this photo because of the intense energy being generated from the couple I have my own thoughts as to whats going on - what do you think??.

Click here for a slideshow of other Street candids for you to look at.

or Click here for a thel album.


This post is for the new photography group 'Next Shot' created by Baz ( oceankinguk2003). This is the forteenth technique theme, created by Baz. Other members posts can be found below in the comments from other participants! If you would like to join the Members only group just let me know and I will send an invitation.


Album for technique No 14 - candids