Friday, 23 September 2011

Photo for today September 24th

The Colours of Spring

The headland at the end of our street is alive, at the moment, with native, spring wildflowers. I made it my mission, over the last week, to get out with the camera and photograph them before they all dissappeared, as they can so quickly do. You will find a link to an album to accompany this blog below - please note that I have no idea of their names but they are beautiful anyway with or without a name. I might make n effort to look them up sometime in the future.

Out on the headland

Click below to view the album of spring flowers in my neighbourhood


  1. What a perfect pair..Spring Is in The Air.

  2. and I thought you'd be able to tell me what all the plants are called!

  3. wild flowers *sigh* so pretty in Spring, like our Namaqualand here:

  4. The yellow Gorse looks just the same as ours does in England.

  5. heyhey every one spring is here what a great start , nice Pic's Keith our clocks go forward a hour this AM, the All Blacks won against France & believe it or not the warriors had a win last night in Australia ..

  6. Nice shots, what type of climate is it there? Desert like, tropical?

  7. Is your spring as cold as ours Keith? Another really lousy day today and I so wanted to work in my garden. I have seen your album already this morning. Stunning!

  8. not at all - it gets down to 3C in the coldest part of the night in winter and usually about 16c during the day. The springs here are warm - the last few days were 26c - 30c.

  9. hi Lyn - Sub tropical here - soon will have photo to show you the climate and vegetation

  10. Oh, I like the way you have managed to get the impression of 3D in your first photo. That is the difficulty when doing an overview of flowers the way a camera makes them 2 dimensional and become like a multi-coloured carpet. We don't have wild flowers like yours. I know that our travel agencies here promote a special trip just to see your wild flowers in spring.

  11. Great shots to one which is certainly one of a kind with the camera. Your heading into spring while I am within Autumn...
    But it's all good and I do wish to the gent behind the camera a very happy birthday...
