Monday, 20 February 2012

Photo for today February 21st 2012

Rainbow Beach - looking North

The beauty of the unconscious is that it knows a great deal — whether personal
or collective—but it always knows that it does not know, cannot say, and dare
not try to prove or assert too strongly; because what it does know is that there
 is always more—and all words will fall short.
                                                                                       Fr Richard Rohr

The sea had been quite large during the morning and night before so there was still a mist drifting off the sea creating a soft feel to the light. It is a popular beach for a good long walk at a steady pace or for locals to walk their dogs. This beach runs for about 15km north of my hometown of Bonny Hills to the outskirts of the nearest large town of Port Macquarie. I have walked the whole 15 km and back a few times - is beautiful and always find something interesting along the way but man you sleep well when you get to bed that night!!



  1. That is beautiful Keith....absolutely gorgeous.

  2. I love the name....rainbow beach. Not sure how many miles 15km would be though.

  3. Beautiful shot Keith, it really gives a feel for the place...
    OMG at walking that far, that would take me days! lol

  4. That's beautiful Keith, can understand why you'd want to walk it regularly.

  5. just under ten mile 16km = 10 mile

  6. It would take you weeks at the moment - it is a days walk with breaks and slower at higher tides because not much hard sand to walk on. Hope the knee heals fast for you and thanks for you nice comment.

  7. hi Mitch thank you. I do walk here fairly regularly but the longer walks just once in a while.

  8. I think your photo is serenity plus Keith. Beautiful and man if I walked that distance I would sleep like a driftwood log.

  9. our dream is to one day own a home near a beach just like this *sigh*.....................beautiful any time of the day in any kind of weather, I love your Rainbow beach.

  10. thanks Milli!! beautiful comment! I walk it but not as often as my words sound. In the 16 years I have been here I have walked it both ways twice and one way maybe 5 times so it is not something I do a lot. I do however walk the 4 km to the point further u the beach in this photo and back very often - few times a week.

  11. well your dreams will come true - also people dream of being where you are too - funny that eh!! Thanks for you comment and visit - see you on another page soon!!

  12. what an interesting trip, a bit long, but at least not uphill. simply a beautiful image, keith. peace of mind..

  13. what an interesting trip, a bit long, but at least not uphill. simply a beautiful image, keith. peace of mind..

  14. thanks Amalie - it only seems a long way when you get to the other end of the beach and realise you have to walk back but oon the surroundings and the sand and surf make you forget how far it is.

  15. Awesome Keith. I'd love to walk that.
