Sunday, 5 February 2012

Images and words no 144 - So Long, Farewell


'To learn the magic of light, get up before sunrise ... and watch!'
Ted Grant


Joel - I just wanted to come and say farewell and post once again. I was here 144 themes ago when it all started and wow what a symbolic time to hand over the reins - on the 144th theme. The above quote is you Joel - to me anyway. I remember well all those early morning shots you posted, having gotten up no matter the weather, no matter the temperature because you wanted to share what you saw in that specific light.



  1. I wish I had seen all of that too Keith. My loss I'm afraid. Good luck Joel, I left a message for you on PT. Hugs.

  2. this is a very lovely post Keith

  3. Wonderful post with a personal touch.....fabulous!

    thanks for dropping by

  4. Cool take on the theme mate;)

  5. This is really a very beautiful take! The photo makes me think of so many things... very appropriate quote (reading it makes me feel a bit shameful as I'm not an early bird... ah the beauty I've been missing!)
    Thanks for the visit.

  6. How nicely you choose the quote, it speaks loud for Joel's photography.

    Thanks for the visit.

  7. He is definitely leaving! Well done!

  8. I get to say goodbye to thousands of people every year and this is one of them - a young northerner from England - always sad for me even though I probably do not feel it as much these days but for them always a huge sadness and fear as they leave what was their security, home and friends for a time. I can see this in his posture - he is grieving and scared but putting up such a good front on the other side. The backs of people are always so much more honest than their fronts - their faces.

    Thanks Sue!!!
